Sunday, January 18, 2009

Go Cardinals!!!!!! Nice way to finsh a busy week

Another busy work week. Marilyn works some long hours trying to get somethings done, but did not succeed real well. Ron was out the door one morning at 4:30 am to head to Home Depot.

Friday I took off and went with Taylor to sign up for AFROTC. I learned a lot about the organization. I know she is excited to begin and have some adventures with traveling. One thing about ROTC is respect. It is now Yes sir and Yes mam. She thought I was a tough mother. I was easy compared to what the Air Force is going to require from her. Taylor left today to head back down to ASU. She had a hard time getting to her dorm since there was a PF Chang's 10k run going on in Tempe.

Carlie got a promotion. She has been appointed Purtone's traveling hearing aid dispenser. Monday she heads off for Lake Havasu for a week. She was able to give her notice at Ozzie's Pizza Brewery. She is looking forward to having a life on the weekends again.

Friday night we spent the evening with Dennis, Rodney along with Steve. Steve is Dennis friend from Washington. We had some good wine with cheese.

Saturday morning our new mattress was delivered for the coach. It is going to be real nice to have a good night sleep next time we use the coach. After we took the coach back to storage we went on a Polaris ride with Dennis and Steve. We found some great trails and mountains to climb. We were gone for 2 plus hours. Ron and I came home real dusty. I made some vegetarian meatballs for spaghetti for Steve. I hadn't made them in years. It brought back some fond memories of living in Washington.

Sunday was the big football game between the Cardinals and Eagles. My dad came over and watched the game with us. What a game. The first quarter was exciting and the second quarter the last 3 minutes were exciting. The Cardinals will be in the SUPER BOWL. I never thought that would ever happen.

Counting our day till we use the coach again 18 more days.................

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