Thursday, March 26, 2009

Windy Night

Tonight we are having a terrible wind strom. While driving home I was driving into the wind. When I arrived to Happy Valley off ramp I could barely see the Wal Mart sign. I arrived home and closed up the windows up stairs and closed up the motor home. I heard this crash in the backyard. I opened up the back door and the wind was so strong I could barely get outside. I brought in some plants and the top of the patio heater. Our Polaris cover lookes like helium balloon on the patio. The sunscreen are tapping. I hope this does not last all night.

I am very thankful I live in a house and not on the street or in a tent. I am very gratuful for having my family, health, job and a place to call home.

Everyday we walk through life wondering what tomorrow holds. Instead of enjoying the moment. I was listening to the wind tonight and it sounds mad. Is that how we are walking through our day? Mad about what is?

We are heading to Thousand Trail Cottonwood tomorrow. We are looking forward to a down weekend. This weekend we are going to smell some roses and relax.


Dave and Lori said...

Have a great time at Thousand Trails this weekend!! Wish we were there.

Carla said...

I was thinking how grateful I was last night too! Did you have anything get damaged?